This is a web page for the Del Webb Orlando Photography Club. This is a chartered club in the DWO community.This is primarily a place for the members to share their photographs. But, there are some useful meeting details and instructions on things like using our voice server, and submitting photos.
This page started when the clubhouse was unavailable for a while. It was used to assist us when we did not have physical meetings. But, it was decided that it would be a good thing to save our monthly slideshows in a perpetual fashion. So, the photos from the monthly slide shows are posted here. This will be continued even if we have physical meetings. At this time, we are having physical meetings in the clubhouse.
When are our meetings? What is this slideshow thing? How do I submit photos? What about virtual meetings? These questions and more are answered here.
And our we page on the DWO Hub is here. That is primarily to show how we are setup as a chartered clb at DWO.
Here are the pictures and themes so far: